Amy is a certified life coach who helps people reimagine and re-root their lives in integrity with their mind, body, and soul.

It’s a myth that we grow alone. Even trees have connected root systems. Seek the support you need to evolve.

This work might be right for you if you’re looking to:

  • embody pleasure

  • rewire your beliefs about love

  • transform a deeply ingrained story

  • rediscover any facet of your identity

  • cultivate an ongoing state of presence

  • speak to yourself with more compassion

  • move through a big decision with love and trust

  • become who you are

Specializing in midlife reawakenings, life shifts at any scale, and queer realities, Amy draws on a variety of modalities and helps guide you towards the sacred wisdom of your mind, body and soul.

What do you REALLY want? 

This work will separate your cultural conditioning from your core desires. Start to build, maybe for the first time in a long time, an outer life that is compatible with your true essence. Trust yourself as divine.

Working Holistically with Mind + Body + Soul

Your MIND is a powerful driver in life. Amy helps you slow down and take inventory of your thought loops. Where do your stories come from? Drawing on The Work of Byron Katie and other tools, become an expert at spotting your limiting beliefs and letting them go.

Your BODY holds lifetimes of wisdom and never lies. This work helps give language to the subtleties of your body’s sensations (including pain points) and reveals what messages they have for you. When you are attuned to your body’s wisdom and understand your true yes’s and no’s, decisions flow from a place of clarity and trust.

Your SOUL is the seat of your intuition. When both your intellect and instinct or your mind/body connection is clear and clean, you can access intuition (or spirit).

The heart of this work is learning to lead with intuition and bringing your soul’s blueprint into waking life. What is your wildest dream? Let’s move in that direction.

pay attention to
what sits inside yourself
and watches you

—Lucille Clifton

Schedule a complimentary consultation.

I can’t wait to learn more about you, answer questions, and, if the time is right, get started.